M2K EN promo
- Информация о материале
- Категория: M2K engine based
- Опубликовано: 27.01.2020, 18:29
- Автор: dj--alex
- Просмотров: 1719
[spoiler] [long version]
Im create M2k - game and puzzle (Linux, win)
What is this?
Today it's a 4 games: M2K, Reskue, Colony, Perestroika.
Im a single developer searching two-way feedback. I share game and can share some info for novice coders working with 2d frameworks.
Im not a studio. Im not a store, im not selling nothing. Im from another country, and english is not my native language, sorry for errors.
Maybe interests redraw some sprites with recruiters help but i don't earn money from my projects, i even don't have a donates.
***Unfortunately i don't understand what marketing and PR works and NEVER understand i think.
About games::
M2K ::
* A game and a constructor - 2 in 1. A compilation of all the ideas I consider to be interesting. It has an embed level editor. Also the engine which was based on this game created another game with different objects. M2K is based upon my old version of the riddle game - "Mission 2000", which was released for Zx Spectrum in 1997-1999.
Pseudo simple logical game, with using items. Each level perioically appears a new puzzle item with new possiblities.
Finally win is done all 134 levels (at this moment)
This work help me with love autobuilder creation.https://yadi.sk/d/N8ft_SB9dDz1OA Linux (build 75xx)
https://yadi.sk/d/AQTvwJ23_et03Q Windows (build 75xx)
https://yadi.sk/d/lyeQ8L7PvUsstA Debian/Ubuntu/Mint (build 75xx)
Reskue ::
A scientific camp was attacked by tanks. You need to resque the scientists, lead them to an airgate - the three iron doors (the destination point is marked by the red dots). the scientists are dull of apprehension and normally are simply starting to run away from you, but are quick to use teleporting abilities and all kinds of doors (also having the habit of stealing first emergency kits). To win the game you need to save at least 6 scientists.
Game:: Colony remake
You are a droid sended to growing mushrooms on other planet
You must send mushrooms to Earth, and you can get all items per credits (score).
(new items, weapons, protect devices, seeds, and traps ).Perestroika.
You are a democrat, You must take people savings, don't take taxes and try don't walk to biurocrats.
Every island is a law, drowned island - no law and you can die, new island - is new law.
You doesn't have any weapon. If game have to much speed you can change settings.
Tips and clues:
* The detailed description of the game objects and the game logic are here:
Button control brief info:
* Direction - Cursor ("arrows" buttons)
* Left Shift press&hold - common bullets, for the enemy's tank - Num.pad0, Lgui/Lwindows press&hold - ice bullets.
R - returning to life again, if there are lives left.
H - recharging with the help of backup emergency kit.
L - teleporting to starting location if the situation is hopeless, (it leaves you with only 1 HP).
N - going to the next level (if you cannot solve riddle). Takes 2000 from your score.
Xbox360 and PS3 Joysticks suppoted, others maybe partially.
Help - F4. What the project is based upon?
* Engine based upon Lua + Love framework. All games uses M2K core.
* M2K is based upon my old version of the riddle game - "Mission 2000", which was released for Zx Spectrum in 1997-1999.
* Linux 64bit (tar.gz or debian package), Windows 64bit, Android.
* Very low requirement to CPU, RAM and GPU.
* All games have same requirements
Who might be interested to play this game?
* Zx Spectrum followers, because I draw an inspiration from the games and their elements built on this platform.
* Children. When I travelled by train, I gave this game to play to my companions' children, and I have to say they got involved.
* Beginners in programming. Those who like to create something using just editor tool.
For those wishing to create personal game levels:
* You can create and test your own Level/ Puzzle! Path : m2k-Linux-x64-compile-ras0ft-b/usr/bin/Levels
* external level load Е-key (in editor).
About the game engine:
* The development of the game engine will take place when new objects and functions will be added. They will be released in future projects.
Other objects of the game are not used in M2K. You might try to add them manually with "editor" tool and watch what could come out of the trying.
VK.com group: https://vk.com/club134363102
Gameplay videos:
Rescue game playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIihyQ4VAzw
Проект хотя и собирает донаты но по факту их никогда не было. Делается только на энтузиазме и любви к искуству и также на желании чтобы на линукс шло хотя бы на 5-к игр больше. Так что нанять художников или аниматоров не представляется возможным.
дружеское сотрудничество с взаимной рекламой вполне возможно. Есть группа про Linux (почти 2000 чел). игра иногда появляется и там.
Ваша фотография если вы поможете в развитии игры может попасть в игру в раздел авторы)
Наиболее важные последние обновления и дополнения:
*Все сохранения и уровни чтобы не потерялись сохраняются всегда в папку с самой игрой.
*Унификация движка. (обновления движка попадают в все сделанные на нём игры быстро)
*Тонкие настройки в игре вплоть до подстройки скорости игрового процесса для себя.
*Добавлена поддержка анимации